If you are an angler and a book person you need a copy of Muriel Foster’s Fishing Diary on your bookshelf.
Read MoreBook Review: The History of Fly-Fishing in Fifty Flies, Ian Whitelaw
I would buy this book for someone who was just getting into tying flies and taking their first steps into the big, wide world of fly patterns and the heightened opinions and emotions that surround them.
Read MoreBook Review: Many Rivers to Cross, M.R. Montgomery
If you are an experienced hunter for stone arrowheads then you, much like an angler, know generally the kinds of places such things could be found, what conditions are likely to make your hunt more successful, and that there’s a certain amount of hope involved in the enterprise. Just because it looks like the right spot, the conditions are right, and you bring a double armful of experience and knowledge to the table doesn’t mean that you’ll find either trout or arrowheads.
Read MoreBook Review: The Complete Illustrated Directory of Salmon and Steelhead Flies by Chris Mann
Want to know what goes into a Silver Doctor or any of the various Akroyd variants? It’s all in here.
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